
chemical and physical properties

chemical and physical properties: Typically, commercially available PPE or PPO materials are generally mixed with other buy full lace wig materials such as PS, PA and so on. These hybrid materials are generally still known as PPE or PPO. Hybrid PPE or PPO better than the pure material processing characteristics. Characteristics vary depending on the led perimeter displays, such as the ratio of PPO and PS. Mixed with PA 66 of mixed material at high temperatures with greater chemical stability. Moisture absorption of this material is very small, its products have excellent geometric stability. Mixed with non-crystalline material of PS, while the material is mixed with the PA crystalline nature. Glass fiber additives can reduce the shrinkage to 0.2%. This material also has excellent electrical insulation properties and low coefficient of thermal expansion. The viscosity depends on the material in the mixture ratio, PPO rate increase will result in increased viscosity.
PS polystyrene Typical Applications: Packaging household utensils, trays, etc., electrical (transparent container, light diffusers, insulation film, etc.).
injection molding process conditions: drying: Unless stored properly, usually does not require drying. If you need dry, recommended drying conditions for 80C, 2 ~ 3 hours. Melting temperature: 180 ~ 280C. Flame-retardant materials for the upper limit of 250C. Mold temperature: 40 ~ 50C. Injection pressure: 200 ~ 600bar. Injection speed: It is recommended to use a fast injection speed. Runners and gates: You can use all conventional types of gate.
chemical and physical properties: most of the commercial use of PS is transparent, non-crystalline materials. PS has a very good geometric stability, thermal stability, optical transmission properties, electrical insulating properties and a very small moisture absorption tendency. It is resistant to water, dilute mineral acids, but can be strong grp/frp storage tank acids such as concentrated sulfuric acid are corrosive and can in some organic solvents in the swelling deformation. Typical shrinkage of 0.4 ~ 0.7%.
PA12 Polyamide 12 or nylon 12 Typical applications: water table and other business equipment, cable sets, mechanical cam, slide mechanism and bearings.
injection molding process conditions: drying: before processing should ensure that humidity below 0.1%. If the material is exposed to air storage, it is recommended to air dry in the 85C heat 4 to 5 hours. If the material is stored in a closed container, then the balance after three hours the temperature can be used directly.
melting temperature: 240 ~ 300C; characteristics of materials for no more than ordinary 310C, flame-retardant properties of materials for no more than 270C.
mold temperature: for the unreinforced material is 30 ~ 40C, or for large area thin-walled components is 80 ~ 90C, for enhanced materials for the 90 ~ 100C. Increase in temperature will increase the crystallinity of the material. Precise control of mold temperature on the PA12 is very important. Injection pressure: maximum to 1000bar (recommended minimal pressure and high melting temperature). Injection speed: high speed (for a glass additive material better).
runners and gates: For non-additive materials, as materials, low viscosity, flow should be about 3mm in diameter. Materials required for the enhanced 5 ~ 8mm diameter of the crowd said. Flow channel shape should be all round. Note the entrance should be as short as possible. You can use various forms of the gate. Large plastic parts do not use a small gate, which is to avoid excessive pressure on the plastic parts or excessive shrinkage. Gate thickness equal to the best and the thickness of plastic parts. If the submarine gate, the proposed minimum diameter of 0.8mm. Hot runner mold is very effective, but requires very precise temperature control to prevent material leakage or freezing in the nozzle. If you use the hot runner, cold runner gate size should be smaller than.
chemical and physical properties: PA12 from butadiene linear, semi-crystalline - crystalline thermoplastic materials. It features and PA11 similar, but different crystal structure. PA12 is a good electrical insulator and as polyamides and other moisture will not affect the insulation performance. It has good chemical stability, impact resistance machines. PA12 has many features and enhancements in the plastics area of ​​improved varieties. And PA6 and PA66 compared to those materials have a lower melting point and density, with a very high moisture regain. PA12 on the strong non-oxidizing acid resistance. PA12 depends on the viscosity of humidity, temperature and storage time. It's good liquidity. Shrinkage of 0.5% to 2%, depending on the variety of materials, wall thickness and other process conditions.
PS polystyrene Typical Applications: Packaging household utensils, trays, etc., electrical (transparent led waterproof Switching Power Supply , light diffusers, insulation film, etc.).
injection molding process conditions: drying: Unless stored properly, usually does not require drying. If you need dry, recommended drying conditions for 80C, 2 ~ 3 hours. Melting temperature: 180 ~ 280C. Flame-retardant materials for the upper limit of 250C. Mold temperature: 40 ~ 50C. Injection pressure: 200 ~ 600bar. Injection speed: It is recommended to use a fast injection speed. Runners and gates: You can use all conventional types of gate.
chemical and physical properties: most of the commercial use of PS is transparent, non-crystalline materials. PS has a very good geometric stability, thermal stability, optical transmission properties, electrical insulating properties and a very small moisture absorption tendency. It is resistant to water, dilute mineral acids, but can be strong oxidizing acids such as concentrated sulfuric acid are corrosive and can in some organic solvents in the swelling deformation. Typical shrinkage of 0.4 ~ 0.7%.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) Typical Applications: water natural human hair pipes, home pipes, house siding, business machine housings, electronic packaging, medical devices, food packaging.

