
Auto parts industry base located in Changzhou New District

It is understood that Zheng Guoan line is to attend the upcoming China Auto Parts (Changzhou) ground-breaking ceremony of the high efficiency LED transformer base. Meng by the new North Town Base and China Auto Parts Industry Company, China Machinery Industry Federation to establish tripartite cooperation, focusing on lead car lamps, electronic appliances, automobile parts and other best backpacks and exterior industrial cluster development, through years of hard work and strive to create a set of National auto parts testing, design, development, manufacturing as one of the national industrial base.

Fan Yanqing on behalf of the municipal government, the arrival of the cosmetic bag welcome. He said, Changzhou has a good industrial base, there are certain advantages of higher vocational education, the equipment manufacturing industry is one of the five pillar industries, Changzhou, rapid development in recent years, especially in rail transport, engineering machinery, vehicle manufacturing and other fields has made great progress. He hoped that China's auto parts (Changzhou) the establishment of industrial bases, vw touareg car dvd and expand the auto parts industry, Changzhou, in industry. Support of local government will go all out and do the service work.

Zheng Guoan, said his party in recent years, Changzhou continuously enhance capability of independent innovation, and actively seize the high ground of a new round of development, and achieved remarkable results. Hope that the Chinese auto parts Changzhou (Changzhou) industrial base up as an opportunity to further accelerate the transformation and led running text of industrial structure, accelerate the pace of innovation-oriented city. China National Machinery Industry Corporation and China Machinery Industry Federation and Changzhou will strengthen cooperation and common development.

