
Reduce the load of new environmentally-friendly roller bearings birth

NTN (ntn) developed a grp/frp storage tank, seals and lubricants are the use of biodegradable materials, "environmentally-friendly roller bearings", has begun to supply samples. Temperature range of -30 ~ 70 ℃, the limit value of dmn 350,000, the basic 2011 sonata dvd of the original general bearing much the same.
retainer and seals from the biodegradable polyester resin (pbs: dibasic alkyd polyester) made ​​as a component required to improve the strength and heat resistance. Not only can be broken down by microorganisms in the soil and in compost biodegradable according to iso14851 standard rate of up to 60%. Biodegradable plastics to meet the certification mark awarded by the "green plastic sign" trolley bag. In addition, the combustion does not produce harmful nox and sox.
the other hand, synthetic ester-based lubricants to oil, according to oecd301c standard reached 60% biodegradation rates. Meet outside of the plastic material or the use of biodegradable led moving sign such materials issued by the certification mark "eco-labeling" requirements. In the abandoned and outdoor use, even if the oil leak, it does not outdoor led screen driver soil

