
Hardcover room floor and have to say something

recent years, with fine decoration real estate projects have increased, "bag check" at the same time convenient for consumers, quality home improvements asked for

Problems arising from disputes ensued. Therefore, some LED solar street light to purchase a hardcover house, but taking into account environmental factors such as health or LED Display Screen shape, after arrival

Will replace a number of products have been installed, in which the floor is often used as "preferred."
[Owners] experience

"Replacement school" point of view

product type and preferences do not match
Chak I live in hardcover

Housing developers are equipped with laminate flooring, because there are children at home, so I want to use more environmentally friendly solid wood flooring. Plus I personally prefer solid wood flooring

Natural texture and vigorous texture, so I took home after 收房 laminate flooring all removed, replaced by a solid wood floor.


Heart did not guarantee the quality of after-sale

Ms. Gao in various media room often to see some of the materials quality hardcover problems reported problems, which

I used the room for the hardcover skeptical of building materials. I am also worried that nobody aftermarket products, particularly the floor, in case the warranty period

A large area of ​​deformation, there may not find the manufacturers to come to repair. Its that time anxious, while not as good as replacing it prior to arrival.

"use group" point of view

the easy way was to buy hardcover house
Ms. items to buy

Deluxe room is spotted it eliminates the decoration part. Two years ago I renovated a house, the windy and do not say I was tired, but also did not achieve the desired final decoration

The effect. So this time I intend to buy a hardcover real estate projects, is to escape the trouble of fitting. And the developer promised standard of decoration is not low, I

More assured.

survey [Correspondent]
worry about quality
part of the house owners to replace the hardcover floor

"There are two residential buildings are fine vw touareg car dvd, but we found, there are still some owners will be replaced, hardcover room of building materials, which, to replace the floor and

Cabinets of the most common. "A residential property of staff, told reporters that even some hardcover house owners will re-housing renovation.

"Hardcover house owners replace the floor, mostly worried about the quality hardcover house, but off the floor." A floor sales staff said, hardcover room if not the whole house

Laying, at least to lay the floor in the bedroom.

compared with other building materials, the laying of the floor area in the room is relatively large, and are long

The space between the activities, for health considerations, coupled with the relatively simple disassembly on the floor, so that some consumers will replace the original hardcover room floor, to phase

Of high-grade, environmentally friendly products instead.

China timber and wood products in circulation Association Flooring Committee, said Vice President Yang Meixin, usually

, The larger real estate developers in hardcover floor used in the project, product quality is relatively secure.

but there are some developers to

Compression costs, will use "project board", which is designed for engineering the production of cheap flooring, poor quality and often do not meet environmental standards. The scale than

Large developers pay more attention to its brand image, is no longer using this project board.

the same time, the reporter learned that, due to the ordering hardcover housing project

Large, up to 20,000-30,000 square meters, enough to make such orders for flooring company in accordance with the developer's material, color requires its "custom" products.

high prices
hardcover items imported into the floor hard

Survey found that Beijing's real estate projects hardcover floor used mostly domestic brands. "Developers often will the product price low." Flying the U.S.

Ruggie, general manager of global quality floor, said the price offered by developers is the floor of imports can not be achieved.

It is understood that the surface layer thickness

0.6 mm multi-layer solid wood flooring, for example, real estate developers, the proposed purchase price is usually 150 yuan / square meters, and to strengthen the floor of the purchase price

Cells per square meter may be as low as 30-40 yuan. Correspondent in Beijing, home store survey found that most well-known brand of multi-layer solid wood flooring flooring per square

Meters, priced at 200 yuan, the price of laminate led light power supply is usually around $ 100, while the import price of the floor is generally much higher than domestic flooring.

"Indeed, the developer's price is not high, but the floor for domestic enterprises, especially those having a complete industrial chain of enterprises, was able to withstand

. "Krono flooring Marketing Manager Chen Jing-hua said that if businesses are allowed to produce flooring substrate, will greatly enhance their ability to control costs, reduce

Low-floor raw material prices of the product cost.

highlighting the advantages
well-known brand into the

Sight into the developers

reporter visited several hardcover real estate project, the developer's sales leaflets, often printed with "bedroom

XX or the same grade flooring brand "so much as mentioned the brand well-known large-scale flooring manufacturer.

Yang Meixin introduction,

In recent years, as developers focus on improving the brand image, tend to the floor with the well-known enterprises to establish strategic partnerships. In the past, a lot of flooring companies

Unwilling to undertake the hardcover real estate projects, partly because the developers are given the low price, more importantly, flooring business at a disadvantage, leading to project the balance due is difficult

Knot. But in recent years, the domestic retail market in the doldrums, but the floor has become increasingly fierce competition, some flooring companies began looking for new channels. As the scale of the enterprise

Expanded, enhanced ability to control its costs, and thus the strength of a strategic partnership with developers.

home flooring project, according to a negative life

Responsible person, the current "low" is not only a cooperative enterprise developers choose the standard, "In 2008, a number of floor real estate companies vying for a hardcover items

Head, and finally we selected another developer, and the floor is not well-known companies. Due to cost constraints, we offer more than a million higher than the competitors

Yuan, with predictable results, opponents bid. However, in this model between the companies to complete 10 sets, the developers are not satisfied with the product due to quality and service, and ultimately canceled

A contract to the initial offer and we signed the agreement. "He said that this illustrates the concept of change in the developer.



laying into a target for quality
May this year, there have been media reports, Wuxi

Particular due to uneven flooring hardcover refused Shoufang, submitted late, after the developer sued. However, due to the contract signed by both parties clearly only decoration materials

Material, brand, and the requirements of the construction process is not specified.

end, the Court considered the delivery of housing estate companies have been testing the relevant departments

Income, not a particular part of the flaws in the proposed contract within the submitted estate companies should not bear responsibility for late, rejected the particular claim.

Yang Meixin that the tight time schedule the installation of the floor can easily lead to greatly reduced the quality. Hardcover room floor installation by the flooring business commitment, development

Operators usually require 40 to 50 business days in all installed, and this team on the floor installation business is no small challenge.

correspondent about

To, a set of about 100 square meters living room, its floor installation usually takes 1 day.

the ground is uneven flooring company in the face during the installation process

Pro's biggest problem. According to Yang Meixin introduced, in accordance with industry standards, laying on the floor before the first ground flat to ensure that it would take the gray prone to floating

From the seam, and from the dark and so on. But even in the face of poor flatness of concrete floor, the floor is very difficult for construction companies are re-leveling processing side, so

Can only take temporary remedial measures, "bite the bullet" pavement.

In addition, if the ground when laying the floor moisture content will also lay hidden below the cheap full lace wig

Suffering. Yang Meixin said, according to industry standards, to ensure the concrete floor before laying the ground is completely dry, otherwise the floor is easy to use for some time after deformation.

However, developers often in order to catch up period, even if not yet reached the ground floor laying environmental standards, also called the floor entering the construction business.


Home suggest]

quality of the floor and do not need to replace the standard installation
Yang Meixin wood and wood products in China flooring experts Circulation Association

Industry Commission Vice President

Typically, larger scale, with a certain well-known real estate developers of housing projects built in hardcover, the use of

The floor is often produced by well-known companies, the quality is relatively secure, such as the absence of exceptional circumstances, consumers do not have to replace the floor. Of course, the most in Shoufang

Good or careful inspection.

First, check the environment of harmful gases, especially whether the formaldehyde emission standard, the most cursory way

Indoor air is pungent smell, if the air quality standards, need to further determine the source of harmful gases, such as caused by the need to replace the floor.

the same time, consumers Shoufang, the best test floor and the ground moisture content. If the ground moisture content is too high, that concrete is not

Completely dry, even if the acceptance floor moisture content in line with industry standards, but with some time, when thoroughly dry concrete floor, the floor due to absorption

Moisture in the ground deformation.

instrument for measuring moisture content in building materials GMC car dvd gps have sold, priced at around $ 600.

[in the industry point of view]
hardcover room or floor of the enterprise will become the new channel
Gao Zhihua China timber and wood Pinliu

Through the Association Flooring Committee, executive vice president

past, flooring businesses and developers do not want to cooperate. However, in recent years, as competition intensifies

And market environment in the doldrums, some of the retail flooring business in poor condition or sales growth. Fully furnished with real estate projects of national policy to promote the introduction,

Hardcover volume will be more and more room, for flooring companies, and the developer's cooperation will become a new sales channel.

Flooring company to do a "strong" B

Lindian Ming, general manager of Beijing life home floor

In general, building materials and real estate business cooperation, the real estate business is usually more right to speak. However, companies still need to make a strong floor of the B

Side, to reduce product prices, the construction environment, and compromise. Because only high-quality products and high standard of installation, in order to provide consumers with

Real high-quality hardcover room. While protecting the interests of owners, will protect the interests of property developers, in order to achieve win-win situation.


Complete industrial chain, control costs

Chen Jing-hua Krono flooring Marketing Manager
market more

Number of companies are outsourcing the floor substrate, and then production and processing of finished flooring. In recent years, under the impact of rising raw materials, the cost of a finished floor

The increase. However, when the company has a complete industrial chain, the substrate can be grown, they absorb a certain extent, the rising costs, increased cost control


