
Market regulation, the impact of home industry giants together to take home kitchen sale microblogging

Following the Frankfurt show as

, after the world's third largest exhibition in Milan bathroom exhibition, China International Kitchen & Bath Show on May 25 at the Shanghai Exhibition Center grand opening, "After nearly two years of intense shock handbag online kitchen industry, national market regulation has some impact on the kitchen, and strengthen the brand becomes top priority. "This is the 16th China International Kitchen & Bath Show, many exhibitors use microblogging to pass out information. Southern RoHs driver for led screen was informed, through the microblogging Sina home out of the most talked about brand named Wrigley, nine, animal husbandry, the buildings, Washington, waves whales were present, and Ke Lani, constant cleaning, Eagle bathroom, Faenza, security Chinese brands are also costumes to help out.

"kitchen cake is still the industry to accelerate growth, but LED ceiling light mode from extensive quantitative change to qualitative change in accuracy, while from a business point of view, the exhibition was to show features from functional changes in trade." Ke Lani home marketing director Zhu Chunyun told reporters the South, bid farewell to "profiteering era", the basic kitchen industry to reach a consensus: the brand is the business performance.

"round 'shuffle' is an adjustment of the ranking"

kitchen industry as China's "benchmark" and "barometer", Shanghai Kitchen Health Fair has so far held 15 sessions, exhibition scale new high this year, a new exhibition opening of the Expo Theme Pavilion, with a total exhibition area of ​​about 250,000 square meters.

"exhibition kitchen to participate in the most direct effect 'that I still exist', so that colleagues, dealers, designers and consumers to know your brand exists." SSWW sanitary assistant to the chairman, the market Yang, director of events held at the home on Sina told reporters the South, the past few years, "the kitchen industry major reshuffle" argument sound growing clamor, but the market performance, "shuffle" Which is not the well-known enterprises. " wash "," Bridge or 54, the number of resulting business or that a few, do not rise, 'shuffle', but the result is to adjust the 'brand' of rank ordering. "

It organizers, in 2009 the Shanghai International Exhibition kitchen companies have 2492, 2010, this number rapidly increased to 3224, this year will further increase the number of businesses, bathroom alone, there came from Guangdong, Zhejiang , Fujian, Shanghai, Italy, Germany and other regions more than 900 exhibitors debut.

Ke Lani home home marketing director Zhu Chunyun Sina forum admitted to reporters, "Shanghai is the business development and acceptance of brand reputation, when more and more enterprises to change the past, the idea of ​​the exhibition site to take orders, did her best 'show products, show techniques, show creativity' behind, we all compete for a leading consumer boom in the 'eye focal point'。"

kitchen and home manufacturers collectively "microblogging Marketing "

new show with beautiful models, looking for celebrity endorsements, advertising in the exhibition area hit ... ... this is plainly marketing tactics are commonly used in previous years, and this year's Festival Highlights is collective work kitchen business portal Sina microblogging, microblogging start to rally, want to build "never closing press conference." Washington sanitary official told reporters the South, with the company's brand ambassador Fan Bingbing the opportunity to attend the Shanghai wind Shangsheng Dian, Washington hand Sina microblogging, start "Washington bathroom Y ES fashion" microblogging prizes forwarding activities, all of a sudden let "Washington" in nearly a thousand exhibitors stand out.

"microblogging control" the spread of magic be? Sina head home to the reporters, for example, joint public Sina home kitchen brand launched the "Energy Pioneer V action" to bring together the brightest show by Sina microblogging users own green living, green V of people do. "As at 21:00 on the 25th, there are 360,172 Sina microblogging users to participate in the topic of discussion."

home kitchen business is accelerating Fun to it, and as early as late April, Hong Kong Royal Furniture start "charm transformation, Dream Dynasty" to? 300,000 annual salary to find folk ambassador, for online interaction, just one month, the number of micro-Bo fans have jumped to 12 million. The CRC also recently opened the paint, "liking the Alliance, I was liking up to" word of mouth marketing, microblogging, nearly 10 million in rewards to attract broad participation Sina microblogging users.

This is a signal, "relying solely on hard advertising is very difficult to brand a moment the power of the outbreak, with the whole media era, the key to marketing is to create topics, the formation of 'interaction', and microblogging is to create 'information interaction' one of the good channels. "Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch Managing Director Zhu Jiahua analysis to the case of Southern Reporter.


topic 1

market regulation, the situation is not clear, the brand break it is imperative?

Wrigley Marketing Director of Tan Yi

Wrigley present position? Where to go next? How to achieve change? The survey found that Wrigley's position in the minds of consumers, "good service, domestic popular brand", and the next development goal is to "set the whole package of quality services and products that have affinity in the high-end fashion brand, a strong international feel of the brand. " How to achieve change? We think the key is innovation, increase research and development, and integrate communication, to tap the core driver of consumer bathroom.

Ke Lani Home Marketing Director Zhu Chunyun

some extent, the situation is not that also means a lot of opportunities. Like 2008 and 2009 financial crisis period, the whole industry into a historical low, and Ke Lani was "sword pay" adverse economic expansion, with a very low cost of acquisition of the plant. Although the New Deal ferocious, but China's urbanization process has only just begun, the second and third tier cities in the real estate market is booming, the pursuit of high-quality consumption "must be greater than supply." Ke Lani's strategy is "pure German brand positioning" for precision marketing.

topic 2

mad hit home kitchen industry, advertising the good old days have passed?

Wrigley Marketing Director of Tan Yi

mad drop in advertising on CCTV, high-pushing tactics may allow companies to play "night fame, "may" instantly collapse. " According to the marketing point of view, a reasonable integration of existing communication channels produced by the spread of results than the single channel of communication and dissemination of results. In the actual operation of the market, the diversification of consumer trends in kitchen has become increasingly evident, is the so-called "difficult to reach," we call home and abroad through the microblogging designers hold "exchange", by the designer to high-end consumer groups population, again spread layer mass consumers, "environmental protection, fashion laptop bag concept", the effect is more obvious hand.

SSWW sanitary assistant to the chairman, Yang, director of marketing

brand management without advertising, but advertising does not mean you can hit good brand. In fact, many companies drop the purpose of advertising is to "drive sales", and waves whales that for marketing to expand a business investment is limited by "advertising" to launch a short-term business growth, it is better to rely on "product promotion", do really do go through the second and third tier cities healthy.

constant cleaning sanitary marketing director Liang Jiansheng

you into a misunderstanding, that your beauty, celebrities can come to lift the brand image, in fact, is the basic business competition, that is, the ability to integrate resources. Many people think that celebrity endorsements from the constant cleaning bathroom done, but in fact not so simple, Pu Cunxin indeed very consistent with our brand image, he is more intelligent, loving star, our brand image and brand meaning and he is quite fit, two who find a meeting point, it only took a few million endorsement fee. But in fact in order to promote the brand, so consumer awareness constant cleaning, we invested an astronomical amount.

topic 3

low carbon environmental protection is a "gimmick" or "trend"?

taitao Marketing Manager Qiuai Bin

environmental protection, including low-carbon are now becoming the focus of the entire country and the world, but that's easy as it sounds more difficult. Last year, in the event of ceramic enterprises found pneumoconiosis, but we have none of the cases the factory case occurred, including the Shanghai exhibition, our slim bathroom cabinet, raw materials are environmentally friendly, you can also save material, this is another manifestation of environmental protection. So we have been doing environmental protection this.

constant cleaning sanitary marketing director Liang Jiansheng

I think the bathroom and water-related industry is China's water shortage is a big country, is a big country of scarce resources, economic development in the past 30 years , we get the achievements but also as unconventional development has brought some problems. Now the so-called low-carbon green, more from national standards, and the second is that a sense of responsibility from the business to start, really convey to consumers, if the standards have, to a sense of responsibility of enterprises, Consumers will have direct experience of low-carbon full lace wig , whether your brand may be more low-carbon environment is business you do, then you can support live with you, I accept your point of view, there is the impression of your brand better understanding.

